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My Works

Welcome to my project page. Here, you can explore the context and background of my latest work, showcasing the key details and insights from my projects.

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Slope Stability at Batu Hijau Mine

My bachelor thesis focuses on the critical analysis of rock slope stability using the Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM). Conducted as part of my final project at PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara in 2024, the research centered on the geotechnical aspects of Phase 8's Domain 7 at the Batu Hijau Mine. The primary objective was to assess the stability of rock slopes under various conditions to ensure safe and efficient mining operations.


Geological Mapping in Karangsambung

Karangsambung, Central Java, is known for its complex geological formations. As part of my coursework, I conducted geological mapping in this area with two classmates.


Our fieldwork included rock sampling and structural measurements to understand the region's geological structure, lithology, geomorphology, and tectonic history. This experience greatly enhanced my skills in field geology, data analysis, and geological mapping techniques.

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Geomorphological Map of Padalarang and Purwakarta

The geomorphological map of Padalarang and Purwakarta was created to study the region's landforms, geological structure, and surface processes. This project aimed to analyze the area's geomorphology to understand its landscape evolution and natural hazards. Working on this map enhanced my skills in geomorphological analysis and data interpretation.


Multi-Utility Tunnel: Flood Risk Reduction Project in Baleendah

This collaborative project with three classmates focuses on mitigating flood impacts in Baleendah, a region regularly affected by flooding due to the overflow of the Citarum River. It involves:

  1. Analyzing flood-prone areas.

  2. Designing a multi-utility tunnel for efficient water management and utility integration.

  3. Conducting strength analysis of the tunnel to ensure durability and safety.

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The geopore system is similar to biopores, designed like bricks or paving blocks with high water absorption capacity. It is made from a mixture of materials such as plastic waste, fly ash, and other components.


This project, undertaken with seven friends, aims to enhance water infiltration, reduce surface runoff, and manage plastic waste effectively. Our collaborative effort contributes to flood mitigation and environmental sustainability in Baleendah.


I created Vitzea to share my college experiences and insights, focusing on the journey of a student navigating the challenges and triumphs of academic life. â€‹Vitzea serves as a space where I can reflect on my academic journey, offer tips on succeeding in the field of geological engineering, and share valuable resources.


Through this blog, I aim to create a community where students and professionals alike can connect, share experiences, and support each other in their educational and professional endeavors.

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Saung Info is a magazine by the Saung Buku Lembur community in Kabupaten Bandung. First edition themed "Budaya Literasi: Membangun Realitas dan Kreativitas melalui Komunitas". This publication promotes literacy and creativity in the local community through articles, stories, and poems.


I wrote the main article for this edition, highlighting how literacy can transform communities and foster creativity, aiming to inspire readers to engage with their local literary community.


Poetry Anthology Entitled "Tender"

I contributed to the poetry anthology "Tender," which focuses on women's experiences and perspectives. My poem, explores the strength, resilience, and grace of women. Being part of this anthology allowed me to share my creative work and connect with other poets, celebrating the multifaceted experiences of women.

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I participated in the publication of "Antologi Puisi Kehilangan", a collection exploring the theme of loss. My poem, "Resapan Tali Jiwa", describes my deep reflection on loss.

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